Res Balancer Spray
Thymus 8x, Spleen 8x. Indications: For temporary relief of lowered immune response, chronic fatigue, recurrent viral infections, chronic lymphanedopathy and disorders of growth and development. Recommended Usage: 1 spray sublingually 3 times a day.
Thymus 8x, Spleen 8x. Indications: For temporary relief of lowered immune response, chronic fatigue, recurrent viral infections, chronic lymphanedopathy and disorders of growth and development. Recommended Usage: 1 spray sublingually 3 times a day.
Thymus 8x, Spleen 8x. Indications: For temporary relief of lowered immune response, chronic fatigue, recurrent viral infections, chronic lymphanedopathy and disorders of growth and development. Recommended Usage: 1 spray sublingually 3 times a day.